Thursday, June 28, 2007

Up, up and ... awe, who are we kidding

Taken in front of a green screen outside of my office last week. Shot on my 1D MkII, with a 24-105L IS. Flashes fired were two Alien Bees, one with a giant softbox. A reflector was used for fill. Basically this was a cool marketing idea for an IT company. I still don't trust red-heads. Sorry, Potter.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Wet Llama

Llama at kids petting farm on the rainiest day of the summer (the best way to fully enjoy the Llamas aroma). As the tallest kid there, I opted for this guy since since the goats seemed overwhelmed. I used a 20mm at 2.8 with no flash and a mix of seeds.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I guess that I am having a total sophmore-year-typed macro phase. I never really got any kicks with diopters or reversed lens in college, so seem to making up for it now. This little funnel web spider was shot on the side of my house tonight using a 50mm f/1.4 with a 36mm extension tube.

Too Close for comfort! This little guy is probably about 1.5 cm in length. He was lite from the side with a 550ex speedlight, offcamera, handheld.

Monday, June 25, 2007

This photo was taken in Southfield, MI on 06/25/07. I used my 20 mm lens with my camera held dangerously close to on-coming wet traffic.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Screened In

Really, Things that go bump in the night in Royal Oak, MI, are few and far between. However, since I thought that starting this blog with a strange occurance would be fun, here is on of Oakland County's most fierce creatures. The June Bug!